We had a busy weekend despite the recent nice weather. A number of guides were in different spots, but I had the distinct pleasure of guiding Anthony C. from Australia. Ant had some alpine experience in New Zealand, but this was his first trip to Ouray.
We spent the first day at the Skylight area climbing Slip Slidin Away, Slippery When Wet, and the 1st pitch of the Skylight. Day 2 we went to Whorehouse Hoses and found super good conditions on the whole route. Here are some pics.
Anthony topping out the 70m 1st pitch of Whorehouse Hoses. |
Your local friendly mountain guide. Top of Pitch 3 Left. |
Ant raps our last pitch. |
Right Pitch 3. WI4, a tad hollow in the middle. |
Ant raps Pitch 1 as another party heads up the groovy left side. |
It's sweet out there! CC